What do you do for the cosplay community?
I try to be a safe space for all cosplayers to come to. To feel accepted, if they need help at the con, etc. I also love talking to people about creating their cosplays, there are so many interesting ways to make stuff!

When did you begin your cosplay journey?

What mediums do you use to create your art?
EVA foam, fabric, worbla, resin, 3D printing

If you could create a dream project without limits what would it be?
Shiva from FFXIV

Two Cosplayers who inspire you?
WillowCreative and CinderysArt

A project you are known for?
My WoW armors~! Specifically my blood elf armor I think.

Your favorite project and why?
My favorite armor that I have ever made was my Paladin armor. It was the first time I ever won an award for armor and it really made me feel like my time and energy was well spent.

Links to your socials?

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